
Friday, 28 October 2016


This week we used a text about a sunflower in shared reading. (Shared Reading is when we all read the same story, sometimes together, sometimes in groups. This helps us develop our reading fluency and helps us support each other to read.)

At the end of the week we planted sunflowers.

First we made a name tag for our sunflower so we know who each one belongs to.

We chose a seed and popped it into the dirt.
Then we got some potting mix into a plant pot.
We made a little hole for the seed,  about
12 mm deep.

Time to put the name tag in our pot.

All done, time for the sunflowers to have a sit in the sun and start to grow.
Check back in about 2 weeks time, our sunflowers should be starting to grow.

Week 2 Learning

This week we started the Run, Jump,Throw programme, which teaches athletic skills. We started off learning skills for running.
Practising what we have learned.

Getting our arms ready.

Playing a game to practise our running skills.

Then there was our Inquiry
I am a performer!

This time we had a go at playing a stringed instrument. This instrument is a viola. 
We think it might take a bit of practice before we are ready to perform!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Run, Run, as Fast as You Can!

Beat and rhythm and gingerbread men finished off our first week of the term.!

We're back! Welcome toTerm 4, week 1.

I am a performer!

We started the term with two performances as part of our Inquiry...
How can we use creativity to express messages of change.
First we joined in with Rhythm Interactive.
We banged, we sang, we clapped , we loved it!

Then we experienced opera!
We listened, we sang, we clapped,  we asked questions we had never heard anything like it before!

Thursday, 6 October 2016


We finished our Inquiry for this term by making bean bags. We discovered that we have hopscotches painted on our middle school courtyard but hardly anyone plays hopscotch. So.... we have made bean bags that we can use to play hopscotch and told the rest of the team that we can help them learn to play too.

AND......... we have designed a new hopscotch grid that will shortly be painted on our courtyard too.
Watch this space!!

Here are our bean bags....