
Friday, 12 August 2016


What Does Peace Mean to Room 12?

This week we have been exploring peace, what it means and how we can be peacemakers in our communities. Here are some of our thoughts.
Atawhai (Kindness)

Hoahoa (Friendship)

Manaaki (Caring)

Aroha (Love)

This week we are being creative!

Presenting the world our way!

Monday, 8 August 2016

Week 2 Already!

We are training for the Adidas Fun Run in week 7 and are busy getting fit and getting sponsors!
We are keeping a graph of how long it takes us to run one lap of the field and we have each set a goal we want to reach.

Term 3 Week 1 Welcome Back!

This week in our Keeping Ourselves Safe programme

we learned that..................... We are Unique!!
That means we are special
one of a kind
a treasure
good at different things.